About Southland Kati Cote d’Ivoire (SKCI)

Southland Kati Cote d’Ivoire (SKCI) is a rubber processing factory located in the town of Kati within the City of Guiglo in the District of Montagnes in the Cavally region of Western Cote d’Ivoire. It is a subsidiary of Southland Resources Cote d’Ivoire, a member of the Southland Rubber Group.

Southland Resources Cote d’lvoire has its head quarter’s offices in Abidjan at Rue du 7 Déc., Zone4 C, Marcory Immeuble GEORGIA, 3 ème étage 26 BP 236 Abidjan 26, Côte d’Ivoire.

The role of SKCI is to purchase raw unprocessed rubber from rubber farmers and rubber dealers/collectors for processing to Technically Specified Rubbers suitable for export to major tyre manufacturers worldwide.

The factory was established in the year 2020 and covers a total area of 37 hectares. It has the capacity to process 70,000 tons per annum of Natural Rubber.

The Product of the factory is primarily Technically Specified Rubber TSR 10 used by the Tyre industry for the Manufacture of Tyres. The factory is also able to produce TSR 20 and TSR Mixture rubbers to the needs of the Tyre Industry.

In the year 2020, the factory processed 12,277 tons of TSR 10. The production is expected to increase to 56,800 tons in 2021.

The factory employs a total of 385 employees of which 91 % are male and 9% are female. SKCI is factory certified to comply with ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 management systems. SKTI is a member of L’APROMAC (Association des Professionnels de Caouctchouc Naturel de Cote D’Ivoire).

Southland Rubber Group is a leading natural rubber processor with rubber processing factories in major natural rubber-producing countries.

Southland Rubber Group Mission is to be a Reliable and Dependable Supplier of Quality Natural rubber while operating sustainably respecting Labour & Human Rights, The Environment, and Ethics.

Southland Rubber Group is a signatory of the International Rubber Study Group’s (IRSG) Sustainable Natural Rubber (SNR) program and is a founding member of the GPSNR (Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber.


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